Thursday, April 12, 2012

Baked Cinnamon Apples

Another "healthy" treat?! Oh yes! I love coming up with easy, quick recipes. I also love sharing my creations with others. So please enjoy!

What you'll need: (all organic)
  1. Apples
  2. Honey
  3. Rolled Oats
  4. Cinnamon

This recipe is so simple that there is no specific amount or measurements for any of the ingrediants! You can make as little or as much as you want. But I'll show you pictures step by step so you get a good idea on how much of everything I use.

I used 2 red apples. Washed, Cored, and sliced into medium slices.
Spray a little cooking spray on the bottom of your baking dish and lay the apple slices flat.
Drizzle the honey over the apples. I did 3 lines of honey per row of apples.

Then sprinkle on the oats and cinnamon. Be generous on the cinnamon!

Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
Allow to cool (just enough not to burn your mouth. You want to eat them warm!)

And this is what you'll get:

Enjoy and share with others!

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